Bacterial Secretion Systems
Secretion in unicellular
species is the transport or translocation of molecules, for example proteins,
from the interior of the cell to its exterior. In bacteria secretion is a very
important mechanism, either modulating their interactions with their
environment for adaptation and survival or establishing interactions with their eukaryotic hosts for pathogenesis or
symbiosis. To overcome the physical barriers of membranes, Gram-negative
bacteria use a variety of molecular machines
which have been elaborated to secrete a wide range of proteins and other
molecules; their functions include biogenesis of organelles (e.g. pili and flagella),
virulence, efflux of toxins etc. As in
some cases the secreted proteins are destined to enter host cells (effectors,
toxins), some of the secretion systems include extracellular appendices to translocate
proteins across the plasma membrane of the host.
With the rapid accumulation
of bacterial genome sequences, our
knowledge of the complexity of bacterial protein secretion systems has expanded
and several secretion systems have been identified. Gene Ontology has been very
useful for describing the components and functions of these systems, and for capturing the similarities among the
diverse systems (Tseng et al., 2009). These analyses along with numerous
biochemical studies have revealed the existence of at least six major
mechanisms of protein secretion.These pathways are highly
conserved throughout the Gram-negative bacterial species and are functionally
independent with respect to outer membrane translocation; commonalities exist
in the inner membrane transport steps of some systems, with most of them being
terminal branches of the general secretion pathway (Sec). The pathways have
been numbered Type I, II, III, IV, V and VI.
In Gram-negative bacteria,
some secreted proteins are exported across the inner and outer membranes in a
single step via the Type I, III, IV or VI pathways. Other proteins are first exported
into the periplasmic space using the universal Sec or two-arginine (Tat)
pathways and then translocated across the outer membrane via the Type II, V or
less commonly, the Type I or IV machinery. In Gram-positive bacteria, secreted
proteins are commonly translocated across the
single membrane by the Sec pathway, the two-arginine (Tat) pathway, or the
recently identified type VII secretion system. In the following we will briefly
survey the six Gram-negative bacterial secretion systems known to modulate
interactions with host organisms:
Type I secretion system:
This system (T1SS) forms a
contiguous channel traversing the inner and outer membranes of
Gram-negative bacteria. It is a simple system, which consists of only three
major components: ATP-binding cassette transporters, Outer Membrane Factors,
and Membrane Fusion Proteins. T1SS transports ions and various molecules
including proteins of various sizes (20 900 kDa) and non-proteinaceous
substrates like cyclic ǃ-glucans and polysaccharides.
Type II secretion system:
This system (T2SS) is encoded
by at least 12 genes and supports the transport of a group of
seemingly unrelated proteins across the outer membrane. In order for these proteins to enter the type II
secretion pathway, they have to first translocate across the cytoplasmic
membrane via the Sec-system and then fold into a translocation competent
conformation in the periplasm. Proteins secreted by T2SS include proteases,
cellulases, pectinases, phospholipases, lipases, and toxins which contribute to
cell damage and disease. Although Sec-dependent translocation is universal, the
T2SS is found only in Gram-negative proteobacteria phylum. A bacterial species
may have more than one T2SS.
Type III secretion system:
These systems (T3SS) are
essential mediators of the interaction of many Gram-negative pathogenic
proteobacteria (ǂ, ǃ, DŽ and Dž subdivisions) with their human, animal, or plant
hosts and are evolutionarily related to
bacterial flagella. The machinery of the T3SS, termed the injectisome,
appears to have a common evolutionary origin with the flagellum and
translocates a diverse repertoire of
effector proteins either to extracellular locations or directly into eukaryotic
cells, in a Sec-independent manner. The T3SS effectors(T3EPs) modulate the
function of crucial host regulatory molecules and trigger a range of highly
dynamic cellular responses which determine pathogen-host recognition,
pathogen/symbiont accommodation and elicitation or suppression of defense
responses by the eukaryotic hosts. In some cases however, effector proteins are
simply secreted out of the cell. T3SS have evolved into seven families. Some
bacteria may harbor more than one T3SS, usually from different families. T3SS
genes are encoded in pathogenicity islands and/or are located on plasmids, and
are commonly subject to horizontal gene transfer.
Type IV secretion system:
In comparison to other
secretion systems, T4SS is unique in its ability to transport nucleic
acids in addition to proteins into plant and animal cells, as well as into
yeast and other bacteria. Usually T4SS comprises 12 proteins that can be
identified as homologs of the VirB1–11 and VirD4 proteins of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens
Ti plasmid transfer system. T4SS spans both membranes of Gram-negative
bacteria, using a specific transglycosylase, VirB1, to digest the intervening
murein . While many organisms have homologous type IV secretion systems, not
all systems contain the same sets of genes. The only common protein is VirB10
(TrbI) among all T4SS systems.
Type V secretion system:
T5SS is the simplest protein secretion mechanism.
Proteins are
secreted via the
autotransporter system (type Va or AT-1), the two-partner secretion pathway
(type Vb), and the oligomeric autotransporters (type Vc or AT-2 system).
Proteins secreted via these pathways have similarities in their primary
structures as well as striking similarities in their modes of biogenesis.There
are three sub-classes of T5SS.
The archetypal bacterial proteins secreted via the T5SS (T5aSS subclass)
consist of a N-terminal passenger domain of 40-400 kD in size and a conserved
C-terminal domain. The proteins
are synthesized with a N-terminal signal peptide that directs
their export into the periplasm via the Sec machinery.
Type VI secretion system:
In T6SS 13 genes are thought
to constitute the minimal number needed to produce a
functional apparatus. TheT6SS gene clusters (T6SS loci) often occur in
multiple, non-orthologous copies per
genome and have probably been acquired via horizontal gene transfer. Each T6SS probably
assumes a different role in the interactions of the harbouring organism with
others. Although the T6SS has been studied primarily in the context of pathogenic bacteria-host
interactions, it has been suggested that it may also function to promote
commensal or mutualistic relationships between bacteria and eukaryotes, as well
as to mediate cooperative or competitive interactions
between bacterial species. The T6SS
machinery constitutes a phage-tail-spike-like injectisome that has the
potential to introduce effector proteins directly into the cytoplasm of host
cells, analogous to the T3SS and T4SS machineries.
Genetic, structural and
biochemical studies of the above bacterial secretion systems along with
massive in silico analyses of microbial
genomes have been used to distinguish pathogens from their non-pathogenic
relatives. These studies have established the presence of characteristic
conserved features within individual
types of secretion systems, along with considerable sequence and structural
diversities within each system at the level of specific components and effector
Despite the complexity of
these systems however, the problem of identifying conserved features and
properties within each secretion system type, or across several types of
systems is of particular importance, going beyond a fundamental understanding of how bacterial secretion
works. Even for well studied pathogens, not all virulence factors have been identified,
making it possible that e.g. effector proteins that are associated with
different diseases are still unknown. In less well characterized bacterial
species there is certainly a wide spectrum of unknown effectors. This situation may be now changing through new approaches
that use advanced machine learning algorithms to identify within individual types
of secretion systems common themes for effectors and other system components
thatgo beyond simple amino acid motifs), or through the identification of
important structural and physicochemical properties as universal signatures of
virulence factors.
This review will focus on the
well-characterized T3SS proteins where the prevalence of coiled-coil domains
along with pronounced structural flexibility/disorder have been proposed to be
characteristic properties associated with a protein-protein interaction mode within
T3SS and as essential requirements for secretion. Common themes with other
secretion systems (T4SS, T6SS) will be also discussed.
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